Join The Freedom Club

Your Pathway to Prosperity

Are you feeling trapped in your current work and lifestyle patterns?

We hear you.

We help busy professionals like you to finally break free and achieve financial freedom—without overwhelm or stress. We’ll help you set up strategic financial vehicles to generate sustainable income, create wealth, and unlock the life you’ve been dreaming of. After all, financial freedom isn’t just about money; it’s about crafting a life on your terms.

Are you ready to dive in?

  Here’s how we work with you to make it happen.

We offer three powerful steps, each building on the last, to help you achieve a total lifestyle shift: 

Step 1: Spark

Financial Freedom Formula

Kickstart your path to financial freedom with our powerful, accessible online course.

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Step 2: Grow

The Freedom Club

Targeted, weekly group coaching and support to forge connections, hone your ideas, and build on your success.

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Step 3: Thrive

Freedom Mastery 1:1

Individual mentoring to accelerate your financial freedom journey and soar to new heights.

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Step 1: Spark

The Financial Freedom Formula

Our brand-new, 12-step online resource is designed to give you the exact steps you need to break free from the grind and start living life on your terms. Consider it the launchpad to your financial freedom journey.

Who is it for?

You’ve worked hard, built your life, but somehow, you feel stuck. Like you’ve been trapped on a treadmill for years—or even decades—continually doing what you’re “supposed” to do, rather than what makes your heart sing.

But does it have to be this way?

Here’s the truth: life isn’t meant to be a struggle. Life is for FREEDOM!

The daily hustle leaves us with minimal space and time to enjoy the things that truly matter. Believe us, we know what this feels like, as it used to be us, too.

When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself: What is most important to me? Am I shaping my life around those priorities? True financial and lifestyle freedom begins with mindset, guided by the answers to these questions.

If you’re ready to experience real wealth, abundance and freedom—not just on the outside, but from within—we’re here to help you make it happen.

If you’re ready to stop chasing paths that don’t work and turn your life around, you’re in the right place.

Even if you’ve achieved a decent income or level of financial success, it’s astonishing how many people we work with still feel they haven’t truly ‘cracked it.’ With a few strategic tweaks, mindset shifts, and targeted changes to your activities, you could unlock a whole new level of success—one you might not have thought possible.

Together, we’ll create the life story you deserve—and our [name TBC] is the first chapter.

‘Do the things that most people won’t do to get the things most won’t have.’

- Les Brown

What’s included?

Our [name TBC] is an in-depth, 12-step, online programme designed to take you from where you’re at, to where you want to be.

We’ll give you the EXACT process—a way to move from FRUSTRATION to FREEDOM—through a series of easy-to-follow modules that you can access remotely, any time, any place.

We teach you how to:

  • Manage, make and multiply your money
  • Challenge your current mindset
  • Break old patterns, step away from the norm and be free
  • Invest and make money work for you
  • Stop working and start living
  • Be a way-shower

The 12 modules:

  1. Understanding what Financial Freedom actually is, and getting to the bottom of WHY you want to achieve it
  2. Learning and taking the fundamental steps which are vital for success—without this important foundation, you’ll really struggle to find freedom
  3. Deep diving into money-saving and money-making principles, and the importance of debt management
  4. Learning how to manage, budget and keep track of your finances, including how to watch them GROW before your eyes!
  5. Challenging your old beliefs, patterns and mindset around money and get yourself firing on all cylinders to finally break through the ‘glass ceiling’
  6. How to effectively budget and apportion money to allocate your funds in ways which will work for you
  7. Identifying where you ‘sit’ on The Money Wheel and determining your current ‘Financial IQ’
  8. The importance of ‘The Alignment Factor’ in boosting your wealth and creating streams of both active and passive income
  9. What to do with your newly created extra money—how to invest, and what to watch out for when you do, with research, due diligence and risk management
  10. How to be organised, live ‘on purpose’ and hold your vision each and every day
  11. How to create Financial Freedom in the next 5-10 years and retire as one of the ‘3%’ who ever manage to achieve this
  12. Celebrating! Acknowledging the importance of consistency and the compounding effect of the learning, action and results you are now enjoying

You will receive these lessons in order, released weekly into your inbox, for you to enjoy and implement at your leisure.

I’m ready!

The value of this programme is immeasurable, but we wanted to make it accessible and affordable for all. That’s why we’ve introduced this special format to give you a taste of what it’s like to work with us.

Normally priced at £149, to celebrate 33 years of building our lives together and 3 years of The Freedom Club, we’re offering a limited-time 33% discount. For just £99, you’ll gain access to all the tools you need to set you and your family up for life—we can’t say fairer than that! 

Sign Me Up

Step 2: Grow

The Freedom Club

Join The Club! If you’re ready for more and want to take things to the next level, The Freedom Club offers targeted, weekly group coaching and support to forge connections, hone your ideas, and build on your success.

Who is it for?

Until now, you may have felt stuck in old patterns or behaviours. You’ve realised things need to change. Perhaps you've dipped your toe in with our [name tbc] online course and started implementing some activities that could change your life—but now you're ready for more. More connection. More accountability. More support.

"You don’t know what you don’t know" is a phrase we use to describe the frustration people feel until they join us and learn exactly what it takes to succeed—it’s incredible how small, consistent actions can lead to such profound transformation over time.

If this is you, and you’re ready to give yourself the gift of freedom—join the club!

Here at The Freedom Club, we help you work on both the inner and outer aspects of being free and what that means to you. This allows the gradual undoing of what you think freedom is all about, giving way to what it truly means. In turn, this unlocks the opportunity to observe, notice how you feel, and gain the power to radically change your world—rather than being dictated to by old patterns of behaviour, beliefs and activities.

But there’s more. This isn’t just another club. When you join, you become part of a family—a community of people who’ve got your back and are walking the same path. It’s powerful, it’s supportive, and it’s unlike anything else out there.

Join our thriving community of like-minded and like-hearted souls who are collectively guiding, supporting and encouraging each other on their own financial freedom journeys. It’s a place where you’ll feel nurtured, inspired and clear about making the necessary changes toward the life of your dreams.

Discover how our members have transformed their lives—read their stories of success here.

‘‘The secret to happiness is freedom... and the secret to freedom is courage.’’

- Les Brown 

What’s included?

Weekly themed Group Coaching calls:

  • Week 1 – Finance and Markets
  • Week 2 – Property/Crypto/Business/Wealth-creation
  • Week 3 - Mindset and Lifestyle Freedom
  • Week 4 - Q&A / 'Hotseat' Session

Full Access to our [name tbc] online programme

Private Community Support on WhatsApp

Special Guest events

Freedom Resource Portal and Crypto Corner

We teach you how to:

  • Manage, make and multiply your money
  • Challenge your current mindset
  • Break old patterns, step away from the norm and be free
  • Invest and make money work for you
  • Stop working and start living
  • Be a way-shower 

I’m ready!

Join here now and enjoy 7 days of FREE membership—perfect for getting a feel for what we’re all about!

Sign Me Up

Step 3: Thrive

Freedom Mastery

Individual 1:1 mentoring to accelerate your financial freedom journey and help you soar to new heights. With personalised guidance, we’ll help you overcome obstacles, unlock opportunities, and achieve lasting financial freedom.

Who is it for?

If you're looking for a fast-track to total financial and lifestyle freedom and are ready to step into the highest gear, then [TBC name] is for you.

Designed for those who want to supercharge the route to their dream lifestyle, this option provides personalised guidance to help establish the practical steps that will lead you to financial freedom, empowering you to design, create and achieve a life aligned with your deepest aspirations. It’s time to explore what true freedom means to you and gain clarity on how to make it your reality.

Everyone’s journey is unique, and we recognise that people come from diverse backgrounds, financial situations, levels of experience, and skillsets. [TBC name] is crafted to meet you where you are and guide you to where you want—and need—to be, to achieve the results you seek.

You’ll receive intimate, supportive 1:1 or small group Zoom calls monthly, along with direct access to us between sessions. We don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach—creating wealth and freedom is deeply personal, which is why we’ve worked primarily with clients on a 1:1 basis over the years.

ANYONE can become financial free, it’s just that not everyone CHOOSES to become so. Are YOU ready to make that choice?

Why do we do this?

We thrive on witnessing the success our clients achieve when we work with them. Building our property business and investment portfolio— which has granted us the freedom we enjoy today— has meant so much to us and our family. We love nothing more than helping others make the same impact in their own lives.

Our clients work with us to get organised, focussed, and learn how to become more efficient and effective in their pursuits. Our coaching and mentoring empowers you to accelerate your ideas and dive straight into the practical aspects—rather than just theoretical—of building a portfolio that can set you free.

With us 100% behind you, you can rest assured in the knowledge that we’ve got your back, ensuring you avoid any pitfalls that could put you in hot water!

We hand-hold throughout the entire process to guide you through reviewing your current financial situation, setting up income streams, or sound-boarding your portfolio ideas and any prospective projects you’re contemplating. Perhaps your portfolio is already partially established, and you’re seeking to evolve your ideas, switch-up your strategy, regain focus, or reignite your enthusiasm and momentum.

We specialise in helping those we work with make the most of the resources they already have, while empowering them to make their own best decisions. While we’re not traditional financial advisors, we are financial educators. Consider us your cheerleader, your coach, and your best friend, who’ll tell you exactly where things aren’t working, what you could improve, and inspire and empower you to reach higher heights.

We regularly help clients save thousands of pounds, and even make tens of thousands on businesses and projects they’re working on, enabling them to build a cash-flowing portfolio and maximise their results.

Whatever your reason for working with us, our ultimate objective is to help you build your life, BETTER.

As such, we only work with a small number of private clients— a maximum of 15 at any one time—ensuring we can provide the attention each individual needs. Our availability depends on how many clients we’re working with at any one time, as well as the length of time someone continues working with us. 

Summit is for you if you...

  • Are fed up with being confused 
    You’ve had enough of being bombarded by hype, opinion and ‘information overload’ and want more clarity about what’s possible for you
  • Want to start/build on your lifestyle ideas
    You love the idea of working with what you have, and want to build wealth for yourself, your future, and those you care about.
  • Are ready to take action
    You want to start acting upon those ideas rather than kicking yourself for not having started or progressed sooner!
  • Want to know what to do
    You must want to know how to work effectively and efficiently so that your results start appearing sooner, and you feel like you’re really getting somewhere. Ultimately, you want to stop wasting your precious time and GET ON WITH IT!
  • Want 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring
    You’d like to work with us and can see how working in this way will help you move forward in leaps and bounds compared to trying to do it by yourself.
  • Quite simply, you’d like to master time and financial freedom, better.  

What's included?

  • One 60-minute coaching and mentoring call with either Hazel or Dennis each month. You can choose from our available monthly slots, so you'll need to be free at the same day and time each month.
  • Complimentary access to The Freedom Club for as long as we work together. That’s a weekly dose of incredible connection, tools and insights to keep you on the right path.
  • Email support—if something comes up between our monthly calls, we're here to help!

Places are limited to a maximum of 15 private coaching clients at any time, ensuring you receive our full attention.

I’m ready!

Membership to Summit is by application only and is subject to availability. Please click here to fill out the questionnaire and book a complimentary 30-minute call to see if we’re a good fit.

The cost is £297 per month for as long as you choose to stay. Whether you join us for just one month to gain clarity on your current situation, or stay for 6 months, 12 months, or longer, the decision is entirely up to you. As your freedom journey unfolds, you’ll reap the benefits and decide how long you’d like our support—there’s no need to commit in advance. We’ve found that the cumulative, compounding effect of shifting your thinking, choices and actions over time can have a profound impact on your life.

Let’s make it happen.

“Change comes not all at once, that is unsustainable. It comes by shifting your thinking and habits 1° at a time.”

- Hazel de Kloe  

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